Living Outside Ourselves
Living Outside Ourselves
Join us as we invest in others.
Green Valley Church is a place where you can discover how God has uniquely prepared you to serve and make a difference in our community. Many people are investing in our church and beyond using their God given strengths and abilities.
Some of our ongoing ministry opportunities include: Children, Youth, Nursery, Coffee/Tea, Music, Pantry Donations, Meal Train, Welcome Team, Parking, Security, Quilting, Greeting Cards, Prayer Chain, Event Volunteers, Media, Sound Booth, Operation Christmas Child, etc.
In addition, groups in our church have organized and participated in: building homes for families in Tijuana, making hygiene kits for the homeless, organizing charity boutiques, baking cookies for special events, collecting recyclables to support children in need, volunteering for T.A.P.S (a ministry for surviving families of military deaths), and joining the Retired Senior Voluntary Police, just to name a few.
We want to help you serve the Lord doing what you love and feel called to do. Please contact the church office if you would like to learn more about any of our ministry opportunities.
Green Valley Church Missionaries

The Brown Family
E3 Partners

The Carroll Family
Tend the Fire Ministries

Hector "Rey" and Karen Cedillo
Camino Real Bilingual Church
Vista, CA

Dadougou Coulibaly
Mali, Africa

Dave and Lisa Everitt
NOVO Portland, OR and the Middle East

The Fernandez Family
Middle East

The Horn Family
Baseball Chapel
San Diego, CA

Rex and Connie Kennemer
Community Alliance for Healthy Minds
San Diego, CA

The Mills Family
Fellowship of Christian Athletes (FCA)
San Diego, CA

Costia Lysakov
International Christian Community – Eurasia
Moscow, Russia

The Schreiber Family
Young Life
San Diego, CA and Africa

Daryl and Donna Nuss
National Network
San Diego, CA

Julia Schatz
E3 Partners
Middle East

Mike and Laurel Riley

Don and Sue Smedley
Rivendell Institue at Yale University
New Haven, CT

The Sutherland Family
Fellowship of Christian Athletes (FCA)
San Diego, CA and East Asia

Josh Olson
International Discipleship Ministries (IDM)